5 Things You Need to Focus on if You Want a Glow Up in 2024

As the new year approaches us, I was doing some self-reflection and realized that the number one thing that helped me create the relationship of my dreams, finally pay off debt, and start finally showing up 100% confident in life and in business doing exactly what I’ve dreamed of…it all comes down to my self-care habits.

If you’re just starting your Self-Care Era, you’re probably wondering, “But what exactly are self-care habits???”
Well, I am a self-care enthusiast and here to help you out with my Top 5 Things to Focus on if You Are Ready For a Glow Up in 2024.

But first, let me give you the short and sweet low-down on different types of self-care habits and a couple of examples.
There are 6 types of self-care habits and you are likely in the habit of doing at least 3 on a regular basis:
1. Physical – eating healthily and moving your body
2. Mental – reading a book
3. Emotional – therapy
4. Spiritual – prayer
5. Social – spending quality time with supportive friends
6. Sensory – getting a facial

I go into more detail on the 6 different types of self-care and different habits you can incorporate into your new Glow Up Routine for 2024 in my new Self-Care, Goals, and Finance Planner.

Okay now let’s get into my 5 things you need to focus on if you are ready for a glow up in 2024!
⚠️But I should warn you may also feel more self-confident and less anxious if you keep doing this over time💕

1. First, you gotta start focusing on YOU – What do YOU want? What are you not creating in this life that physically hurts your soul that it keeps getting pushed off? To start taking action, you need to put your head down and reflect on which area of your life needs healing. Love on it until it becomes part of your daily habits. Self care is not selfish, it helps you be better equipped to help others.

2. Gratitude: express your love and appreciation for the things and people you already have in your life, and do the same for what you desire to have in your life. This is a practice called Law of Assumption.

3. Affirmations: in order to change your life, you have to change how your mind is programmed. Challenge each negative thought that comes through. Write down the affirmations you want to believe about yourself and your life.

4. Your habits – what habits and actions are you doing that withhold you from achieving your dreams? Which habits will propel you forward? Be intentional with your daily/weekly/monthly routines.

5. Enjoy the present moment – This is like a follow up to number 3. Without enjoying and appreciating everything you have now (ie your body, your home, your career, your finances), even if it’s not up to par with your dream world, you will stay stuck in a constant state of “wanting”. By doing so keeps you from ever actually getting what you want, or at least prolonging it and making it very hard!). You have to start today with where you’re at and stop waiting for things to be this or that.
There is NOT a perfect time to start, it’s simply a decision that YOU must make. Never forget how powerful it is when you make a decision with commitment energy.

Well, guess what? I have the easy way for you to get started. I created the planner that wasn’t out there but that I needed in order to stay on top of it all, do it well, and have fun at the same time.
✨Grab my 12 month planner to help you work on your self-care, goals, and finances next year
I can’t wait to help you thrive in your Self-Care Era.💖